Importance of Programming

Importance of Programming

Write a short paragraph on the importance of programming in data analytics. Also, write the advantage of open source language like R over other licensed programming software.

Requirements for Discussion Assignments

Demonstrate integration of the required reading, other course materials, critical thinking, scholarly or peer-reviewed sources (as applicable), using either APA or MLA style, depending on the instructor/assignment specifications

Week – Assignment

Introduction to R on

There are two parts to this assignment:

1) Finish the first course Introduction to R on The main objective of this short course is to introduce the foundational concepts and the data structures in R. The course is divided into six missions, you are required to finish the below (which are free of cost)as follows:

  • Introduction to programming in R
  • Working with Vectors

The assignment is to take screenshots of the completion of the three missions, paste them in a word document and submit.

2) Open R-Studio on your computer and start a new script. Now type getwd() in the script and run it. Take the screenshot including the console screen that contains the version number and the working directory. Paste the screenshot in a word document and submit it.

Here is the expected output for this task:

Expected output for Week 1.docx Expected output for Week 1.docx – Alternative Formats

Please note that all code assignments must be submitted as a screenshot with a slice of your desktop showing the timestamp.

If the time and date are not visible, you will be graded 0.Put the screenshots in a word document, make sure to comment the code (explain what it does)  and interpret the graph if applicable(explain what its depicting)

Plot Graph Bring Me Your Puppies Worksheet-HU.

Bring me your puppies! Simona has a dog sitting business during the summer called Bring me your puppies! She goes around the neighborhood and picks up all the dogs and walks them and takes them to the local dog park. She also rewards good dogs with treats that she has to pay for out of her earnings. Simona kept track of her earnings over a 5-day period. The table below shows the number of dogs vs the amount of money she makes. # of dogs 3 5 6 8 9 Money made 28 52 64 88 100 1. Plot the points on a scatter plot. Be sure to use graph paper and include all the things that should be included in a scatter plot. 2. Describe the shape of the plot. 3. Calculate the slope between two points. 4. Write the equation of the line between the two points. a. In point-slope form b. In slope-intercept form c. In standard form 5. Graph your line on the scatterplot. 6. How much money would Simona make if she walked 15 dogs?

Collatz Conjecture Process Worksheet-American University .

4:58 .. 5G E < 返回 W05P2.pdf 6 Consider the following process… Take a positive integer. If the number is even, divide it by 2. If the number is odd, multiply it by 3 and then add 1. Then, take that new number and repeat the process. Do this several times. Record your results. Crowdsourcing is the process of tackling a large undertaking by having a large group of people each do small parts. If each of you takes a number and posts the process you get on the Discussion Board, we’ll get a good idea of what happens. You can also use Excel’s IF function to help you with the process. (Ask me how.) Come up with a conjecture about what 4 000 OOO 控制面板 日历 待办事项 通知 收件箱 4:58 .. 5G E cf く返回 W05P2.pdf the process. Do this several times. Record your results. Crowdsourcing is the process of tackling a large undertaking by having a large group of people each do small parts. If each of you takes a number and posts the process you get on the Discussion Board, we’ll get a good idea of what happens. You can also use Excel’s IF function to help you with the process. (Ask me how.) Come up with a conjecture about what happens to this process. If we showed our conjecture is true for every number from 1 to 1 million, does this mean our conjecture is true? How might we be able to prove our conjecture? 4 OOO OOO 다 控制面板 日历 待办事项 通知 收件箱

MATH 116-Mathematics Algebra Practice Quiz- San Diego University .

6:47 1 < Back Discussion Details Fall 2021 – MATH 116 (75146 – ONLINESYNC) Please work on these problems on paper and attach your work as embedded images to this post. Clearly show all work to receive credit. 1. Determine the volume and surface area of a rectangular prism measuring 2mm by 3mm by 7mm. 2. Determine the volume and surface area of a right circular cylinder with radius 5 inches and height 13 inches. 3. Write the polynomial x? + 12×3 – 3×5 – 29 in descending order, and identify the degree and leading coefficient. 4×2 – 4x + 7xy – 7y 4. Factor the polynomial Ax2 + Bx + C, with 5. Factor the polynomial A = 5, B = -1, C = -4 6. Factor 81y4 – 16 7. Solve the equation by factoring 49y2 – 81 = 0 8. Solve the equation 24 + 3222 – 144 = 0 9. Solve the equation by factoring 823 + 125 = 0, and the quadratic formula. = 10. Solve the equation 7×3 + 47×2 14x 11. Find the perimeter of the triangle with vertices (3,-6), (8,10), and (-7,6) 12. Determine if the points form a right triangle, if not determine if the triangle is isosceles or scalene (9,9), (-9,-6), (-9,9). 13. Find the area of the trianale formed by the points 4 DOO OOO Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 6:47 1 < Back Discussion Details Fall 2021 – MATH 116 (75146 – ONLINESYNC) Dance Tur Gavran Mutan ט טוסטוס וודס proof one chapter. How many hours does it take them working together to proof one chapter? 15. Alonzo drove to visit UC Berkeley 240 miles away. On his way there his average speed was 25 miles per hour faster than on his way home. If Alonzo spent a total of 8 hours of driving find the two rates in mph. Find Alonzo’s average speed to UC Berkeley, and find Alonzo’s average speed from UC Berkeley. 16. Maria-Jose can drive 5 times as fast as Anallely can ride her bicycle. If it takes Maria-Jose 4 hours longer than Anallely to travel 25 miles, how fast in mph can Anallely ride her bicycle? 17. California has a long term drought. Lake Elsinore will take 10 weeks to empty the lake, and it would take 25 weeks to fill the lake. How many weeks does it takes to empty the lake to empty the lake if it is being drained and filled at the same time? Hint use the work work work formula. 18. Find the slope intercept form of a line passing through the points (-7,10) and (-3,-10). Graph the line and the points and write the line in the form y=mx+b. 19. Find the x and y intercepts of the line x=4. Graph the line and label the intercepts. 20. Find the x- and y-intercepts of the line y = – {x +3 21. Solve for p in Newton’s Law of Gravitation mi.m2 F=G. p2 22. Miguel and Paola working together take 10 hours to paint a mural. Working alone it takes Miguel three times as long as it takes Paola to paint the mural. How long does it take for Paola to paint the mural alone? 4 DOO Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox

System of Linear Equations Using Gaussian Elimination Question-RCC .

Set up a system of linear equations to represent the scenario. Solve the system by using Gaussian elimination or Gauss-Jordan elimination. Assume the interest rates are annual. Ali borrowed $18,500 to buy a truck for his business. He borrowed from his parents who charge him 4% simple interest. He borrowed from a credit union that charges 7% simple interest, and he borrowed from a bank that charges 5% simple interest. He borrowed six times as much from his parents as from the bank, and the amount of interest he paid at the end of 1 yr was $895. How much did he borrow from each source? Ali borrowed $ from his parents, $ from the credit union, and $ from the bank. Set up a system of linear equations to represent the scenario. Solve the system by using Gaussian elimination or Gauss-Jordan elimination. Ben stayed in three different cities (Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Georgia, and Dallas, Texas) for a total of 11 nights. He spent twice as many nights in Dallas as he did in Washington. The total cost for 11 nights (excluding tax) was $1520. Determine the number of nights that he spent in each city. City Cost per Night Washington $250 Atlanta $ 100 Dallas $130 Ben spent night(s) in Washington, night(s) in Atlanta, and night(s) in Dallas.

ESI 6314-Deterministic Methods in Operation Research Q&As- University of Illinois .

ESI6314: Deterministic Methods in Operations Research HW #2 Guideline: • This homework should be submitted using the E-learning assignment section. • All submitted assignments should be neat, organized and legible (hand-written answers are fine). • Different problems should be answered on different sheets of paper. • Please submit all answers as a single pdf file. Try to avoid pencil answers which are pretty light. • For each modeling problem given in this homework (if any), you should describe in this order (1) the data, (2) the variables, (3) the IVRs, (4) the constraints and (5) the objective of the model. All mathematical objects (data, variables, IVRs, constraints and objectives) should be expressed using mathematical symbols and should be explained in words as well. • For Excel questions, you should include in your pdf a screen shot of the spreadsheet together with a brief summary of the formulas you used in the sheet. Moreover, the solution of the model should be presented in the text. • Provide justifications for your answers and show relevant supporting work. All questions of these assignments can be answered using the concepts described in the lectures and covered in the slides. If you wish to get additional descriptions of some of the slides topics, please refer to Chapter 1 and Sections 2.1-2.3 of Rardin’s book. Question 1 [20 points] Read the description of the following optimization problem. Consider then the components of these problems that are itemized. For each of these components, identify whether it belongs to the data, the variables, the constraints or the objectives. Explain why? United flies over 2500 domestic flight legs each day. To this end, it uses about 500 aircrafts for 10 different fleets. United must therefore decides how to assign aircrafts and crews to flight legs in the best way possible. The aim is to produce such an assignment that will then be repeated identically each week day (weekend schedules are treated differently). Two opposing considerations come into play when evaluating a flight leg to aircraft assignment. If the aircraft assigned to a flight leg is too small, it will not be able to accommodate all of the customers’ demand, which will result in revenue loss for United. If the aircraft assigned to a flight leg is too large, then United will lose the revenue that could have been obtained from the unoccupied seats. Further, it will also incur loss from using a larger than necessary aircraft, which is more expensive to operate. Meanwhile, United needs to assign a group of crew members to a set of scheduled flights such that all the scheduled flights are covered. The max crew duty is 14 hours out of a 24-hour day. United’s primary objective in this problem is therefore to maximize profit, which is computed as the difference between ticket sales revenue and the sum of operating costs (including crew cost, fuel cost and landing fees). 1. The number of customers traveling on a flight leg (e.g., flight leg from IAH to ORD in the slides). 2. The group of crew members assigned to a specific flight leg from MCO to IAH. 3. If the first flight leg assigned to aircraft 1 lands in Houston, the next flight leg assigned to aircraft 1 must take off from Detroit. 4. The max crew duty is 14 hours out of a 24-hour day. 5. United tries to maximize profit. 6. The operating cost of a plane includes crew cost, fuel costs and landing fees. 7. Is Houston assigned as the Hub for all fleets? 1 8. Each pilot could not fly five consecutive days. 9. Is it needed to purchase additional aircrafts to meet customer demands? 10. Airline ticket price for the Origin-Destination pair MCO to ATL. Question 2 [20 points] A landscaping supply company produces decorative stones. A ton of coarse stones requires 2 hours of crushing, 5 hours of sifting, and 8 hours of drying. A ton of fine stones requires 6 hours of crushing, 3 hours of sifting, and 2 hours of drying. The coarse stones sell for $400 per ton. The fine stones sell for $500 per ton. In a work week, the plant is capable of 36 hours of crushing, 30 hours of sifting, and 40 hours of drying. Based on the demand forecast, the quantity of coarse stones produced should be at least twice the quantity of fine stones produced. First 1. Formulate an optimization model to decide how much of each kind of stones to produce to maximize total revenue. 2. Solve your model using the Excel solver. 3. Using a two-dimensional plot, solve your model graphically. Then, by modifying your two-dimensional plot, answer the following questions: 4. How much would it be worth to get another hour of crushing time? 5. How much would it be worth to get another hour of sifting time? 6. Could you find the range of the prices for the fine stones such that in the optimal solution, the quantity of coarse stones produced is exactly twice the quantity of fine stones produced. Question 3 [20 points] Consider the following optimization model where the decision variables are x1 and x2 and where α is a parameter (fixed value) of the problem. , i.e., it is not a decision variable: max s.t. (P) x1 + 2×2 x1 + αx2 ≤ 2 x2 ≥ x1 − 5 x2 ≥ 0 (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Is this optimization model linear or nonlinear, continuous or mixed integer? 2. Plot the feasible region of this problem when α = 1 and the objective function. 3. For what value of α does (P) have multiple optimal solutions? Explain. 4. For what value of α does (P) have a unique solution? Explain. 5. For what value of α when (P) is unbounded? Explain. 6. If constraint x21 + x22 ≤ 1 is added, could you find the range of α values such that the problem is still feasible? 2 Question 4 [20 points] Find the local/global minima and maxima for the following function. You are expected to draw an approximate function curve and point out the local/global minima and maxima in the graph. You do not need to provide the exact solution for each local/global minima or maxima. f (x) = 3x + 2(x + 2)2 + 3(x − 3)3 − (x − 4)4 , where − 5 ≤ x ≤ 1 or 0 ≤ x ≤ 6. Question 5 [20 points] Write each of the following as compactly as possible using summation and enumeration symbols. 1. min(x − 1)2 + (x − 2)2 + (x − 3)2 + (x − 4)2 + (x − 5)2 + (x − 6)2 + (x − 7)2 2. (x1 − 1)2 + (x1 + x2 − 2)2 + (x1 + x2 + x3 − 3)2 + (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 − 4)2 ≥ 1 3.          4. 5. max                y1 y2 y3 (1+y2 +y3 +y4 +y5 ) + (1+y3 +y4 +y5 ) + (1+y4 +y5 ) y2 +y3 y1 +y2 y3 +y4 (1+y3 +y4 +y5 ) + (1+y4 +y5 ) + (1+y5 ) ≤ 1 y2 +y3 +y4 y1 +y2 +y3 (1+y4 +y5 ) + (1+y5 ) ≤ 1 y1 +y2 +y3 +y4 ≤1 (1+y5 ) x1 + y1 + z1 ≤ 3, x2 + y1 + z1 ≤ 4, x1 + y1 + z2 ≤ 4, x2 + y1 + z2 ≤ 5, z1,1 + z2,1 + z3,1 + z4,1 + y4 (1+y5 ) ≤1 x1 + y2 + z1 ≤ 4, x1 + y2 + z2 ≤ 5 x2 + y2 + z1 ≤ 5, x2 + y2 + z2 ≤ 6 z1,1 ≤ 2 z1,1 + z1,2 + z2,1 ≤ 3 z1,1 + z1,2 + z2,1 + z1,3 + z2,2 + z3,1 ≤ 4 z1,1 + z1,2 + z2,1 + z1,3 + z2,2 + z3,1 + z1,4 + z2,3 + z3,2 + z4,1 ≤ 5 z1,1 ≥ 0, z1,2 ≥ 0, z2,1 ≥ 0, z1,3 ≥ 0, z2,2 ≥ 0, z3,1 ≥ 0, z1,4 ≥ 0, z2,3 ≥ 0, z3,2 ≥ 0, z4,1 ≥ 0 3                AutoSave OFF Ô o su u = wanswer_1 Home Insert Draw Design Layout References Mailings Review View Tell me Share o Comments X Times New… v 12 v AŤ Аа у v 21 AaBbCcDdEe AaBbCcDdEe Aa BbCcDc AaBbCcDdEt AaBb AaBb CcDdEG Paste B I U Normal vab x ev Av No Spacing Title Heading 1 A Subtitle Heading 2 Х Dictate Sensitivity V V Styles Pane v 1. For each of these components, identify whether it belongs to the data, the variables, the constraints, or the objectives. Explain why? The number of customers traveling on a flight leg (e.g., flight leg from IAH to ORD in the slides). – Variable, because number of customers(Number of tickets) will be counted in the making objective function. The group of crew members assigned to a specific flight leg from MCO to IAH. – Constraint, as the group is fixed . If the first flight leg assigned to aircraft 1 lands in Houston, the next flight leg assigned to aircraft 1 must take off from Detroit. – Data as it is giving counting of flight The max crew duty is 14 hours out of a 24-hour day. Data, as it will be used in the cost estimation as coefficient of variable . United tries to maximize profit. – Objective, as the statement shows the goal of United. The operating cost of a plane includes crew cost, fuel costs and landing fees. – Data Is Houston assigned as the Hub for all fleets? Yes Each pilot could not fly five consecutive days. – Constraint because restriction on the flying days. . Is it needed to purchase additional aircrafts to meet customer demands? – No T Airline ticket price for the Origin-Destination pair MCO to ATL – Data . 2. Using Excel 1. Objective function 400x+500) Constraints 2x+6y =0 Page 1 of 13 544 words F English (United Kingdom) Focus ES ji! – 89%

Learning Exercises for Section 13 4 Questions-SDSU .

a) In each blank box below, select the best answer from the list that helps complete the objective function and its associated constraint inequalities. Please note that the option > A+ 0.07 10000 R-0.1 VB A+1 VBC A< 6000 B> 2000 B A > b) Use the geometric approach (with A placed on the x-axis and B on the y-axis) to determine the coordinates of the corner points of the solution region. Then, select the answer from this list: (0,0).(0.2000). (6000,2000). (6000.0) c) Which of the feasible corner points you selected in part (b) above maximizes the objective function? Note that a feasible corner point is any corner point with at least one non-zero coordinate Select the answer from this list: (6000.2000) d) What is the maximum yield? 5740

Investment Worksheet-UNLV .

I need help especially on part B,C, and D

A woman has up to $10000 to invest. Her broker suggests investing in two bonds: Bond A , and Bond B. Bond A is a rather risky bond with an annual yield of 10% and bond B is a rather safe bond with an annual yield of 7%. After some consideration, she decides to invest at most $6000 in bond A , and invest at least $2000 in bond B. Moreover, she wants to invest at least as much in bond A as in bond B. She wishes to maximize her annual yield.

a) In each blank box below, select the best answer from the list that helps complete the objective function and its associated constraint inequalities. Please note that the option <= indicates  , and the option >= indicates .

 [ Select ]  [”
0.07″, ”
6000″, ”
0.1″, ”
10000″, ”
2000″, ”
Correct answer is not listed”]
 [ Select ]  [”
Correct answer is not listed”, ”
10000″, ”
2000″, ”
0.1″, ”
6000″, ”

 [ Select ]  [”
Correct answer is not listed”, ”
2″, ”
1″, ”
0.07″, ”
0.01″, ”
2000″, ”
 [ Select ]  [”
<=”, ”
>=”, ”
=”, ”
Correct answer is not listed”]

 [ Select ]  [”
Correct answer is not listed”, ”
<=”, ”
=”, ”

 [ Select ]  [”
Correct answer is not listed”, ”
<=”, ”
>=”, ”

 [ Select ]  [”
Correct answer is not listed”, ”
<=”, ”
>=”, ”

b) Use the geometric approach (with A placed on the x-axis and B on the y-axis) to determine the coordinates of the corner points of the solution region. Then, select the answer from this list: 
 [ Select ]  [”
(6000,4000) , (6000,2000) , (8000,2000)”, ”
(0,0) , (0,10000) , (10000,0)”, ”
Correct answer is not listed”, ”
(0,10000) , (0,2000) , (6000,2000) , (6000,4000)”, ”
(6000,0) , (6000,2000) , (8000,2000) , (10000,0)”, ”
(0,0) , (0,2000) , (6000,2000) , (6000,0)”, ”
(6000,0) , (6000,4000) , (10000,0)”]

c) Which of the feasible corner points you selected in part (b) above maximizes the objective function? Note that a feasible corner point is any corner point with at least one non-zero coordinate. Select the answer from this list: 
 [ Select ]  [”
(6000,0)”, ”
Correct answer is not listed”, ”
(8000,2000)”, ”
(6000,4000)”, ”
(0,10000)”, ”
(6000,2000)”, ”

d) What is the maximum yield? 
 [ Select ]  [”
$740″, ”
$840″, ”
Correct answer is not listed”, ”
$700″, ”
$800″, ”
$920″, ”


MAT 205-Distribution of The Unemployment Data by State Question- WU .

MAT 205 Fall 2021 LRA 4 3. The Acme Corporation created a histogram of their employee’s salaries. Use the|| histogram to answer the questions below. Figure 1. Distribution of salaries of the Acme Corporation name date a. What is the class width? 600 500 1. Create a grouped frequency distribution for the unemployment data by state from 2020 shown below. Use classes starting with 4.0-4.9 and end with a class 16.0-16.9. 400 b. One class is the least frequent, approximately how many employees were in this class? 300 Alabama 7.9 Indiana 7.8 Nebraska 4.8 8.6 200 South Carolina South Dakota Alaska 11.6 Iowa 6.6 14 6.3 100 C. Which class is the most frequent? Arizona 10.6 Kansas 7.2 8.1 Tennessee 9.5 0 Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico 7.1 5.7 13.8 Texas 8 0-10 11-21 22-32 33-43 44-54 55-65 66-76 77-87 88+ Salary($thousands) d. Can you tell exactly what the highest salary is? Explain. 13.3 9.4 12.7 Utah 4.5 7.4 9.9 New York 15.9 8.3 10.2 7.6 8.5 8 Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii North Carolina North Dakota 10.4 10.3 Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana 16.1 8.7 Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 11.3 6.6 8.9 7.1 Ohio 9.9 4. The stem and leaf display below give the ages of 20 people in an office. Use the display to answer the questions that follow. 7.6 7.7 7 13.1 10.8 10.4 7.1 Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island 5 5 6.9 13.7 Ages of people in an office Idaho Illinois a. How old is the oldest person? 11.3 6.4 11.2 stem b. How many people are in their twenties? 2. Construct a Histogram using the frequency distribution from problem 1. 1 2 3 4 5 leaf 8 9 9 1 3 6 7 7 7 9 0 2 2 5 8 1 6 7 3 5 C. How old is the youngest person in their thirties? key: 2 | 3 means 23 years d. What is the most common age? Eted View – Saved to this PC Search it References Mailings Review View Help 5. The students in Mrs. R’s class were asked what their favorite sport is. Here are the answers – football, baseball, soccer, soccer, football, tennis, tennis, golf, soccer, baseball, baseball, baseball, football, golf Draw a bar graph for these data. Label the graph. Extra Credit The circle graph shows how the family budgets its annual income. If the total $80,000, what is budgeted for entertainment? ome Entertainment 1496 Rent 25% Savings 12% Insurance 11% Food 1596 Clothing 239

MATH 1320 -Precalculus Practice Exam

MATH 1320-Section 117 Exam 01-Review Test September, 2021 First Name______________________________ Last Name______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Select the correct answer for questions 1-13. Write explaining your answer for the questions 14-16. Marks will be deducted for failing to provide descriptive answers (for questions 14-16) •There are 16 questions. •You are not allowed to use calculators or any other electronic device. •After you have done, you can either use a scanner (if you have one) or use your phone to either take a picture or use a scanning app, send it to yourself (via email or google drive), if necessary convert to a pdf file and upload twice (Proctorio and then to the uploading link). Helpful Formulas: −𝑏±√𝑏2−4𝑎𝑐 Quadratic Formula: 𝑥 = 2𝑎 GOOD LUCK! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Evaluate the algebraic expression for the given value or values of the variable(s). – 5(x – y); x = 8 and y = 2 A) 26 2. B) -94 4. D) 22 Evaluate the expression or indicate that the root is not a real number. A) 64 3. C) 34 B) 14 C) D) 8 Find the product. ( 5 + 6x)( 5 – 6x) A) 25 – 60x – 36 B) 36 – 25 C) 25 – 36 D) 25 + 60x – 36 Multiply or divide as indicated. ÷ A) 5. B) y – 6 C) D) Write the number in decimal notation without the use of exponents. 2.87 × 104 A) 287,000 6. + i B) – i C) B) { -5 + 2i} – i D) C) { -5 + 2i, -5 – 2i} + i D) { -5 – 4i, -5 + 4i} Plot the given point in a rectangular coordinate system. ( 2, -3) (A) (B) C) 9. D) 28,700 Solve the equation using the quadratic formula. + 10x + 29 = 0 A) { -3, -7} 8. C) 114.8 Divide and express the result in standard form. A) 7. B) 2870 (D) Perform the indicated operations and write the result in standard form. √−64 + √−16 A) 12i B) 32i C) -12 D) -12i 10. First, write the value(s) that make the denominator(s) zero. Then solve the equation. = + 38 A) x ≠ 0, 2; B) No restrictions; { 2} C) x ≠ 0; 11. Find all values of x satisfying the given conditions. = 8x + 4( 4 + x), = 3(x – 6) + 10x, and A) { -10} B) { 10} C) { 34} D) x ≠ 0; { 4} = D) { -34} 12. Use the graph to determine the x- and y-intercepts. A) x-intercept: -3; y-intercepts: 1, 3 C) x-intercepts: -3, 1; y-intercept: 3 B) x-intercept: 1; y-intercept: 3 D) x-intercept: 3; y-intercepts: -3, 1 13. 20) The number of centimeters, d, that a spring is compressed from its natural, uncompressed position is given by the formula d = , where W is the number of joules of work done to move the spring and k is the spring constant. Solve this equation for W. Use the result to determine the work needed to move a spring 2 centimeters if it has a spring constant of 0.4. A) W = C) W = 2 ; 0.8 joules B) W = ; 20 joules k; 3.2 joules D) W = ; 0.2 joules 14. Solve the following quadratic equation using quadratic formula or by completing the square. 𝒚𝟐 + 𝟔𝒚 − 𝟏 = 𝟎 15. Solve the problem. You inherit $70,000 from a very wealthy grandparent, with the stipulation that for the first year, the money must be invested in two stocks paying 4% and 10% annual interest, respectively. How much should be invested at each rate if the total interest earned for the year is to be $4000? 16. Compute the discriminant. Then determine the number and type of solutions for the given equation. 3×2 + 2x = -1