Audience and Purpose:


The Project 2 Article Analysis requires selection of a peer-reviewed Engineering Design article. The audience for this analysis report are the future members of your Project 4 Research Design Team. Your article choice should reflect your engineering research and design interests. You will communicate your insights from the Article Analysis to your team at the beginning of project 4.

The purpose of this informational report to analyze the effectiveness of the article’s methodology and the quality of its technical communication. The introduction will establish the credibility of the article and explain how it relates to your research interests. The rest of the report will evaluate the effectiveness of the article in fulfilling criteria using evidence in the following areas using evidence from the article:

  • Methodology: How well does the article follow the stages of the Engineering Design process?
  • Technical Communication: How well does the article address the essential qualities of effective technical communication with a focus on clear titles, headings, and paragraph organization (Markel 9) as well as effective integration of graphics with proper APA citations (Markel 12)?


Length: 4 pages (or more if required), single spaced, 12-point font, blank line between paragraphs

Format: Informational report to the journal editors (specific names). For sample layout of an informational report, see Markel, chapter 17 (pp. 454-461).

Planning (Markel 3, pp. 42-48)
Drafting (Markel 3, pp. 48-51): 1st draft in Canvas
Revising (Markel 3, pp. 52-53): Peer Review & Coaching Notes
Editing & Proofreading (Markel 3, pp. 53-55): Final draft in Canvas and print-out for #2 Packet.

Submission Norms:


For Project 2 grading, the instructor will refer to the Canvas submissions for: 1) PDF of the article and a screenshot from Ulrich’s Web, providing evidence that the article was published in a peer-reviewed journal; 2)1st & 2nd drafts of the Analysis; 3) Peer Review & Coaching Notes; 4) Final edited draft for the Portfolio.
Late Assignments:  No late work accepted. An emailed paper will not be accepted. Plagiarism: Plagiarism will result in a grade of F in ENGR 100W.  Papers with plagiarism cannot be rewritten for credit.

Assignment Guidelines

A. Select a peer-reviewed Journal Article.

Watch the video on Search Strategies and take the Quiz.

During the Library session, you will begin to search for a peer-reviewed (refereed) journal article focused on an area of environmental engineering you are interested in, and that makes clear use of a research methodology.
Use search strategies that combine an environmental challenge with engineering designs. For example:
1) “Coastline Protection” AND (Seawalls* OR Dikes*) AND (Wetlands* OR Mangroves*)
2) “Energy Conservation*” AND “Internet of Things” AND “Commercial Buildings”
3) (“Aircraft Carbon Emissions” OR “AIRCRAFT FUEL EFFICIENCY”) AND “Electric Taxiing*”
4) “Wildfire Protection” AND “Fire Resistant* Building Materials
5) “Food Waste” AND Sensors AND “Data Management”

As you consider various articles, look first at the abstract. Does the article focus on an engineering PROBLEM? If so, look further for the stages of the ENGR Design Process in the section headings of the article. Does the article focus on a scientific QUESTION? If so, scan the section headings for evidence of the Scientific Method.

Select a peer-reviewed journal article that reflects your research interests and demonstrates a clear research methodology. You are required to select an article from a professional journal and not a magazine because this makes a difference in trusting the validity of the data. You must check Ulrich’s Web to ensure you have a peer-reviewed article. Please take a screenshot and submit that to Canvas along with your article selection. Identify details about the journal and authors’ credibility for your introduction (see Guidelines below.)


B. Guidelines:

To:                   Your future Project 4 Research & Design Team
From:               Your Name
Subject:           Analysis of a Professional Article (Use article title here)
Date:               October 7, 2019


State the purpose of your informational report and forecast the content.

Evaluate the credibility of the journal. (see Markel 6, pp. 129-130 for guidelines on evaluating sources) Discuss the following: Journal name? Peer reviewed? Exclusively online? Available for subscription? Published monthly, quarterly? Publisher’s name? Intended audience? What institutions (universities, etc.) is the journal affiliated with that give it credibility?

Evaluate the credibility of the article and the authors. You could include some of the following: Who are the authors? Which universities are they from? What are their degrees? Who is the intended audience for the article? What is the main purpose of the article? What year was the article published? What gives credibility to the article and the authors?

Explain how the article relates to your research interests. Which aspects of engineering design and/or environmental science make the article relevant to your research agenda?

Methodology Analysis
Describe the methodologies used in the article: the scientific method, the engineering design process, or a combination of the two. HOW WELL does the article document the stages of the research/design process? Provide specific examples for how the article addresses each of the stages.


The Engineering Design Process
1)      Define the problem
How well does the article define the design problem or challenge?
2)      Do background research
How well does the article explain research from secondary sources?
3)      Specify requirements
How well does the article name the requirements or specifications of the design?
4)      Explore prototypes/alternative solutions
How well does the article describe alternatives for meeting the requirements?
5)      Test the prototypes/alternative solutions
How well does the article evaluate the prototypes/alternative solutions?
6)      Communicate results
How well does the article explain the outcomes of the testing/evaluation process?



Source: Science Buddies. (n.d.). Comparing the engineering design process and the scientific method. Retrieved from
Technical Communication Analysis
Assess the quality and effectiveness of the article based on the following elements of quality technical communication from the Markel text. You will incorporate these elements in your lab memos and also in your final team Research and Design project.


Clear & Informative Titles and Headings (Markel 9, pp. 193-197)

Consider how effectively the article uses Titles (Markel 9, pp. 193-194) and Headings (Markel 9, pp. 194-197) to create a logical structure for the information. Develop an analysis in which you:

  • Identify criteria for clear titles and headings from Markel.
  • Explain how effectively the article meets the criteria, providing evidence to support your analysis.

Well-Organized Paragraphs (Markel 9, pp. 202-210)

Consider how effectively the article’s paragraphs are organized (pp. 202-210). Develop an analysis in which you:

  • Identify criteria for well-organized paragraphs from Markel.
  • Explain how effectively the article meets the criteria, providing evidence to support your analysis.

Integrating Graphics and Text and Citing Sources (Markel 12, pp. 294-296)

Consider how effectively the article integrates graphics and text to provide clear technical explanations. Develop an analysis in which you:

  • Identify criteria for integrating graphics and text in Markel.
  • Explain how effectively the article meets the criteria, providing evidence to support your analysis.



Reflect on the strengths the article demonstrated in each of the major areas of your analysis. How can you apply these strengths to your own professional writing for this class?

  • Methodology: How can the Engineering Design Process be applied to your professional writing?
  • Clear Titles and Headings: Which strengths from the article will you apply to your development of clear titles and headings?
  • Well-organized Paragraphs: Which strengths from the article will you apply to your paragraph organization?
  • Integrating Graphics and Text: Which principles of integrating graphics will you apply to your memos and reports?




Provide references for any sources used including Markel and the journal article reference. Use APA format. For proper documentation, please see the following: Markel, Appendix Part B



APPENDIX A: Research and Design Processes









Revision drafts show careful attention to improving the content and clarity of the analysis. /6

Drafting & Revision Stages

Selected a peer-reviewed journal article and posted article and Ulrich’s List documentation to Canvas.

Followed format directions: layout, page numbers, single line spacing, headings.

Revision drafts show careful attention to improving the content and clarity of the analysis.


How well does the Introduction:
State the purpose and main points of the informational report?

Evaluate the credibility of the journal? Peer Reviewed?
Evaluate the credibility of the article and the authors? Institutional affiliations?
Explain to the Project 4 audience how the article choice relates to the student’s research and design interests?



Methodology Analysis:
How well does the analysis describe stages of the methodology used in the article?
How well do the paragraphs use clear topic sentences to frame the evaluation of each stage?
How well do the paragraphs explain the evidence for how effectively each stage is handled?



Technical Communication Analysis:
How well does the analysis provide an overview of the three technical communication areas?

How well do the paragraphs present the selected criteria from Markel?
How well do the paragraphs illustrate strengths (or weaknesses) for each area using evidence from the article?
How well do the paragraphs evaluate the effectiveness of the article in meeting the Markel criteria for each area?



Conclusion/Reflection: How well does the reflection summarize examples of strengths in journal article in the areas of design methodology and technical communication?  How well does the reflection explain key insights learned from each stage of the analysis and how these elements can be applied  to future professional writing?  


References: Provides reference list using correct APA format and including all cited sources. Utilizes correct APA in-text citation as appropriate. (Appendix B) /10
Uses correct expression, grammar, spelling, and punctuation, with focus on Effective Sentences priorities in Markel, 10.

Maintain clear Subject/Verb/Object sentence structures (pp. 679-680)

Avoid Fragments, Comma Splices, and Run-On Sentences (pp. 217-218)

Maintain clear Pronoun References (p. 219)

Maintain Subject-Verb & Pronoun Antecedent Agreement ( p. 222)

Focus on the Real Subject & Real Verb (pp. 225-226)

Maintain Verb Tense consistency (pp. 682-683)

Maintain Parallel Structure (p. 227)

Use formal, specific, and concise phrasing appropriate for the audience (pp. 230-236)

Appropriate punctuation for coordinators & connectors (pp. 661, 681)

Use This + Summary Word for coherency (Markel 9, p. 211)



Total /100