Guidelines on Project Paper Writing

Guidelines on Project Paper Writing
The cover page should contain the title of the project paper, the name and ID number of
the student and the year.
Ultrafine Grained Copper by
Ivan ID: ENGR 200-02
Spring 2016
Title of the Project:
The title of the project should reflect the content of the project.
Introduction highlights the purpose or objectives of the project. Significance of
investigation should be clearly stated. Here you should present a brief background of the
existing problem to be solved in the development of new materials or improvement on
existing materials
If you are planning to conduct an experiment, outline the materials, equipment used and
procedure for the experiment as well as the particular laboratory you used.
If you are revising latest achievements in materials science based on two or three
publications, analyze the shortcomings of the article and suggest possible improvement.
Include Methods of Manufacturing and compare estimated costs where applicable.
Conclusions are the inferences drawn from the factual evidence of the paper.
Suggest the possible improvement on existing materials or the way of reducing material
REFERENCES: Literature cited should be arranged alphabetically by the author’s
surname. Authors of article. Year. Title. Name of journal. Volume number (issue
number), pages.