longitudinal designs – Psychology Research Methods – Discussion Post

Within 250-300 words for each DQ elaborate. Also only include reference(s) from the following attached book link(s).


DQ 1) One of the best-known longitudinal designs is Lewis Terman’s study of giftedness. He began tracking gifted children into adolescence and adulthood in 1925; the study is supposed to conclude in 2020. Explain the unique benefits of such a study, and then explain the problems caused by this type of design.

DQ 2) Explain the circumstances when a quasi-experimental design would be preferable to a between-subjects design, but also discuss why an explanatory research method is superior to a predictive method.


Book Link(s):


Read Chapters 9 and 10 in Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences.




Read “Program Evaluation: Outcomes and Costs of Putting Psychology to Work,” by Yates. In APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, Vol 2: Research Designs: Quantitative, Qualitative, Neuropsychological, and Biological (pp. 569-586) (2012).




Read “Implementation Evaluation and Research,” by Forman. In Implementation of Mental Health Programs in Schools: A Change Agent’s Guide (pp. 35-53) (2015).




Read “Methodological Convergence of Program Evaluation Designs,” by Chacón-Moscoso et al., from Psicothema (2014).




Read “Practice-Based Research: Meeting the Demands of Program Evaluation Through the Single-Case Design,” by Nielson, from Journal of Mental Health Counseling (2015).

