Trauma Reflection Paper

The attached Word document has the required headings already listed for you if you would like to type within it.  Remember to start your References at the top of the second page.  This is a 1-page reflection paper to sum up what you have learned about trauma’s effects on brain development, trauma’s effects on behavior, and recommendations for teachers’/ caregivers’ responses.

The video resources from the recorded class will help you with the first two sections, though you have plenty of print resources in your readings that can also help.  Just remember to cite using APA!  As for the recommendations, you can really focus on the Creating Trauma Sensitive Classrooms and Helping Young Children Who Have Experienced Trauma articles located in your module.

This paper is meant to help you gather your thoughts intentionally related to what you might encounter one day in a professional setting.  It is not meant as a research paper, as evidenced by the 1-page requirement.  But gather your thoughts well, write well, and approach this assignment with the knowledge that this information will help you in very practical, real ways in the future.

