Collatz Conjecture Process Worksheet-American University .

4:58 .. 5G E < 返回 W05P2.pdf 6 Consider the following process… Take a positive integer. If the number is even, divide it by 2. If the number is odd, multiply it by 3 and then add 1. Then, take that new number and repeat the process. Do this several times. Record your results. Crowdsourcing is the process of tackling a large undertaking by having a large group of people each do small parts. If each of you takes a number and posts the process you get on the Discussion Board, we’ll get a good idea of what happens. You can also use Excel’s IF function to help you with the process. (Ask me how.) Come up with a conjecture about what 4 000 OOO 控制面板 日历 待办事项 通知 收件箱 4:58 .. 5G E cf く返回 W05P2.pdf the process. Do this several times. Record your results. Crowdsourcing is the process of tackling a large undertaking by having a large group of people each do small parts. If each of you takes a number and posts the process you get on the Discussion Board, we’ll get a good idea of what happens. You can also use Excel’s IF function to help you with the process. (Ask me how.) Come up with a conjecture about what happens to this process. If we showed our conjecture is true for every number from 1 to 1 million, does this mean our conjecture is true? How might we be able to prove our conjecture? 4 OOO OOO 다 控制面板 日历 待办事项 通知 收件箱