HR4100: Critical Issues in Business and Management Research 

HR4100: Critical Issues in Business and Management Research

Summative Assessment

To be read in conjunction with the Assessment Brief

The assessment is based around the following academic article:

Abusalma, A., (2021), The effect of implementing artificial intelligence on job performance in commercial banks of Jordan, Management Science Letters, 11, pp, 2061-2070

You can find the article in the Reading List under Supplementary Texts Further Reading or you can access it through the main University Library catalogue.

The article is free to view to UCLan students.

Your focus is not specifically the results of the study, but the way in which the research was undertaken. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with any research methods terms used in the paper with which you are unfamiliar.

Each student will have 5 minutes to briefly and succinctly:

Explain the aims of the research described in the article, focussing on:

  • What was the problem that the researcher sought to address?
  • Describe the goals of the study
  • What contribution to academic theory did the researcher achieve?

Once all students in the group have presented their introductory presentation, we will then consider the following questions.

Discussion Questions:

  • Reflecting on the literature review contained in pages 2062 to 2065 of the article, how would you describe the terms ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘job performance’?
  • On pages 2066 and 2067, the researcher describes how he used certain key variables in his study. The researcher used his study of the academic literature to assist in this process of identifying these factors. How important is it for you to use academic literature in your academic writing and research? Give reasons for your answer
  • The research uses a quantitative approach – in considering your research when might it be appropriate to use a quantitative method and when might it be appropriate to use a qualitative method (for example, interviews)?
  • The researcher suggests the study is replicated with the same methods, but in a different country – in what practical ways could you use the research methods from an academic study and replicate that approach in your research? What are the benefits and risks in undertaking research in this way?
  • Reflecting on everything you have learned on this module (HR4100), what impact will this have on the way that you structure your research project? You can refer to any of the teaching sessions you attended

After the tutor has asked each question, the tutor will invite students to give their answers. This does not need to be in the same order in which people did their presentations. To allow each student to have the first opportunity to answer a question, at the tutor’s discretion, we may vary the order in which students answer.

HR4100: Critical Issues in Business and Management Research

Summative Assessment

To be read in conjunction with the Assessment Brief

The assessment is based around the following academic article:

Abusalma, A., (2021), The effect of implementing artificial intelligence on job performance in commercial banks of Jordan, Management Science Letters, 11, pp, 2061-2070

You can find the article in the Reading List under Supplementary Texts Further Reading or you can access it through the main University Library catalogue.

The article is free to view to UCLan students.

Your focus is not specifically the results of the study, but the way in which the research was undertaken. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with any research methods terms used in the paper with which you are unfamiliar.

Each student will have 5 minutes to briefly and succinctly:

Explain the aims of the research described in the article, focussing on:

  • What was the problem that the researcher sought to address?
  • Describe the goals of the study
  • What contribution to academic theory did the researcher achieve?

Once all students in the group have presented their introductory presentation, we will then consider the following questions.

Discussion Questions:

  • Reflecting on the literature review contained in pages 2062 to 2065 of the article, how would you describe the terms ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘job performance’?
  • On pages 2066 and 2067, the researcher describes how he used certain key variables in his study. The researcher used his study of the academic literature to assist in this process of identifying these factors. How important is it for you to use academic literature in your academic writing and research? Give reasons for your answer
  • The research uses a quantitative approach – in considering your research when might it be appropriate to use a quantitative method and when might it be appropriate to use a qualitative method (for example, interviews)?
  • The researcher suggests the study is replicated with the same methods, but in a different country – in what practical ways could you use the research methods from an academic study and replicate that approach in your research? What are the benefits and risks in undertaking research in this way?
  • Reflecting on everything you have learned on this module (HR4100), what impact will this have on the way that you structure your research project? You can refer to any of the teaching sessions you attended

After the tutor has asked each question, the tutor will invite students to give their answers. This does not need to be in the same order in which people did their presentations. To allow each student to have the first opportunity to answer a question, at the tutor’s discretion, we may vary the order in which students answer.

HR4100: Critical Issues in Business and Management Research

Summative Assessment

To be read in conjunction with the Assessment Brief

The assessment is based around the following academic article:

Abusalma, A., (2021), The effect of implementing artificial intelligence on job performance in commercial banks of Jordan, Management Science Letters, 11, pp, 2061-2070

You can find the article in the Reading List under Supplementary Texts Further Reading or you can access it through the main University Library catalogue.

The article is free to view to UCLan students.

Your focus is not specifically the results of the study, but the way in which the research was undertaken. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with any research methods terms used in the paper with which you are unfamiliar.

Each student will have 5 minutes to briefly and succinctly:

Explain the aims of the research described in the article, focussing on:

  • What was the problem that the researcher sought to address?
  • Describe the goals of the study
  • What contribution to academic theory did the researcher achieve?

Once all students in the group have presented their introductory presentation, we will then consider the following questions.

Discussion Questions:

  • Reflecting on the literature review contained in pages 2062 to 2065 of the article, how would you describe the terms ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘job performance’?
  • On pages 2066 and 2067, the researcher describes how he used certain key variables in his study. The researcher used his study of the academic literature to assist in this process of identifying these factors. How important is it for you to use academic literature in your academic writing and research? Give reasons for your answer
  • The research uses a quantitative approach – in considering your research when might it be appropriate to use a quantitative method and when might it be appropriate to use a qualitative method (for example, interviews)?
  • The researcher suggests the study is replicated with the same methods, but in a different country – in what practical ways could you use the research methods from an academic study and replicate that approach in your research? What are the benefits and risks in undertaking research in this way?
  • Reflecting on everything you have learned on this module (HR4100), what impact will this have on the way that you structure your research project? You can refer to any of the teaching sessions you attended

After the tutor has asked each question, the tutor will invite students to give their answers. This does not need to be in the same order in which people did their presentations. To allow each student to have the first opportunity to answer a question, at the tutor’s discretion, we may vary the order in which students answer.