3 videos papers

Here is one documentary that you can watch. If you watch it and answer the below three questions, it is worth 10 points. I’ll s two pages each

The link to the movie “Bully” is below.
Answer the three questions and return to me as a document in an email:

1. Why was the main character bullied by the kids at school?

2. What was the reaction of his parents, and what did they do to try to stop the bullying?

3. What are three ideas that you have that would reduce bullying in schools/workplaces?




Here is another one on “Housing First,” a very successful new program that houses the chronically homeless (people who are homeless for years) first and then provides services. The success rate is incredible. Here are two videos to watch about what Housing First is and what it looks like.

Sam Tsemberis is the founder of the Housing First movement. 

Example of getting a person who was homeless for 11 years into housing, using the Housing First model.

Anchorage, Alaska Housing First Program

Turn in a one page response to these questions:

1. Why did the Housing First Movement begin?

2. What groups of people make up the homeless population?

3. Once the person is housed, what services do you think the clients will need for a better life?

life of crime theory find the theory in this video as we learned in our criminology class and write it as an essay APA style in two pages ,




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