350 replies

CJUS 350


you are required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 200 words but not more than 400 words. Responding to a classmate’s post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely affirm, restate or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions.  Each response must include academic and biblical support.



16 hours ago

Kendra Anthony

DB #1


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  1. I believe that we all know the right thing to do, but some dilemmas are not as black and white as we would like them to be. As professionals in a world that is combined with people from many different walks or life and religions, it is important that we are able to see the larger picture at hand. It is also important that we can understand and have empathy and understanding from others perspective. This, in all, helps us make more clear considerations about the right thing to do during a moral or ethical dilemma.
  2. I do agree that many groups do tend to do what is expected of them to make them, but as Christians we should not conform to the world. This is a very tough situation to be in as we all want to fit in but it is also important that we know we can fit in without conforming to the ways of others.
  3. Loyalty is a tricky subject, especially in the field of Criminal Justice. Giving Loyalty to co-workers can lead to injustice. It is important that we do our best ensure that justice is served, even if that means we have to do something that breaks loyalty to colleagues.
  4. As a former Police Chief’s daughter, I can honestly say that I despise the code of silence. I love my father with every fiber of my being but I saw him make some very touch ethical decisions during his career. Many of those decisions were not popular ones nor did they foster relationships he cherished, however, he still did what he thought to be the right thing at the end of the day. If what our colleagues are doing is wrong and we know it, it is important that we do not protect them from their own mistakes.
  5. Leaders should not be corrupt and have high morals. They should judge fairly, without any leanings or partiality towards one side or another.
  6. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors just as God has loved us (Mark 12:31) and while it does not deal with right or wrong, it does deal with an abstract principle that is set forth by society. In Luke 6:31 and Colossian 3:23 Christians are told to do what is set forth by God and the Bible.

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11 hours ago

Jacob Yarber

week 1


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1. Being educated on ethical issues and morals is very important for a person. One most know all the facts on a certain topic before making on a decision on the topic. It is similar to work in investigations. A police officer does not simply pick somebody random to arrest for a crime that has been committed. They do an investigation to get all the facts they can before they make a decision on who the evidence points to. The same concept applies to ethics and morals. 

2. As a Christian, an officer should always do the right thing and the Godly act. Often times, this may involve not participating in a certain activity or going to certain places. However, it is human nature to want to be included in group. People have a need to belong, whether it be their family or a group at work. (Selterman) The author would be correct in this view, as members of the military/ law enforcement often have a strong sense of belonging to a certain group. 

3. Loyalty to colleagues is appropriate and important. I come from a military background where there are time when the only people that you have our your colleagues, and together a group can get through almost anything. Civilian careers do not always have this type of commitment to them, but dedication to a person’s colleagues can boost teamwork which helps almost any organization. 

4. The code of silence is justifiable to a certain extent. Everybody makes mistakes, and not every little mistake needs to be reported. On the other hand, if there are more serious issues that happen such as police brutality then something needs to be said about the incidents that are occurring. 

5. Leaders are what make our criminal justice system operate. In the criminal justice system, this is most often than not judges who are leaders, although there are sheriffs, police chiefs, etc that also lead our system. They have gained the knowledge and experience to lead our system, and are in a position to use this information. It is important to have the right leaders so that our system operates effectively and efficiently for the citizens of our country. 

6. As Christians, we believe that people should live by the Bible tells them. While somethings the Bible says are wrong, may not currently be illegal in the United States. One example would be gay marriage. The Bible tells us that this is wrong, such as in Romans where God punishes people for homosexual acts. (Romans 1 26-28, NIV) However, the Supreme Court has ruled that gay marriages are legal.  (State Same-Sex) Also, alcohol, tobacco, and now marijuana are legal in many places, even though the Bible tells us to stay away from these substances. 


Selterman, Dylan. (n.d.) The need to belong. Retrieved on July 6th, 2017 from http://www.scienceofrelationships.com/home/2012/4/16/the-need-to-belong-part-of-what-makes-us-human.html

State same-sex marriage state laws map. (n.d.) Retrieved on July 6th, 2017 from http://www.governing.com/gov-data/same-sex-marriage-civil-unions-doma-laws-by-state.html

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