Observation Project

CRJ 450- Research Methods In Criminal Justice


As we know, research involves systematic observation of behavior. Your assignment is to conduct non-participant observation of a particular behavior. You are to spend at least a total of three hours (can be broken up) observing a particular behavior of interest. You must specify in advance what behavior you are going to observe, when and where you will be observing. You must create a coding sheet in advance so you can know what behavior to record.

For example, you may decide to observe seatbelt usage of college students, hypothesizing that a higher percentage of students will not be wearing seatbelts. You might also hypothesize that males are less likely to wear seatbelts than women and that passengers are less likely to wear seatbelts than drivers. You would then set out to test your hypotheses.  You would specify the place to observe and record seatbelt usage, recording the date, time of day. You would count the number of cars observed as well as the characteristics of driver and passengers. An example is provided below:






Seatbelt usage













You are then to write up your findings in report form, presenting the raw data and any additional observations/reflections you have regarding the experience. Were there behaviors you noticed that you did not consider previously? What were some of the challenges you experienced while observing behavior?

The goal of this project is to get a “feel” for conducting observational research. It is meant to be fun as well as educational!!! Start looking around your world and think about observing a particular behavior that will be interesting to you! You are free to observe anything of interest to you, so be creative

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